Managing director Johannes Ried (right) and branch manager Matthias Hutzler are delighted that the construction has begun
Groundbreaking takes place: MicroStep Europa builds new branch in Dorsten
By fall 2021, a new building complex consisting of an office building and a showroom with more than 1,300 m² of space will be constructed at the established location in North Rhine-Westphalia
Published 01.02.2021 | Erich Wörishofer
Shortly before the end of last year, the groundbreaking for the new MicroStep CompetenceCenter North took place. The construction work started at the established location in Dorsten (in northern Germany). Only a few minutes away from the current location, the manufacturer of plasma, laser, oxyfuel and waterjet cutting systems is moving into new premises – thus creating a new complex consisting of an office building and a demonstration center. The inauguration is planned for fall 2021.
MicroStep moves into new premises at the established Dorsten site. A new building complex with office building and showroom will be built in North Rhine-Westphalia by fall 2021. MicroStep is investing more than 2.5 million euros. Among other things, a demonstration center including offices and training rooms with a total area of more than 1,300 m² will be created.
"With the groundbreaking for our new location at the established address, we are ringing in a new era in the still young history of the company. The MicroStep CompetenceCenter North gives us the possibilities to continue our growth course and to present ourselves and our technologies in an optimal way", says Johannes Ried, managing director of MicroStep Europa GmbH.
MicroStep Europa has been present in North Rhine-Westphalia since 2007 and moved into a new building in Dorsten in 2016. Since then, the branch with office space and the MicroStep CompetenceCenter North have formed the appropriate geographical counterpart to the location in Bavaria. Here, MicroStep Europa had inaugurated the new company headquarters in 2015 and moved into a training and demonstration center.
Now, a branch office is being built in Dorsten with new, even larger premises by fall 2021. These include a demonstration center with more than 800 m² of space, where a large selection of MicroStep's diverse technology range can be experienced live in the future. A further around 500 m² are intended for office space, training and meeting rooms. In total, MicroStep Europa is investing more than 2.5 million euros.
"The gratifying personnel development as well as the great interest in our high-tech solutions have necessitated this step. With the new building, we are taking this positive development into account," emphasizes managing director Johannes Ried.
Experience the most different solutions from MicroStep live
Matthias Hutzler, as branch manager responsible for the project on site, is also convinced of this step. "Dorsten is an optimal location in the economically highly dynamic Ruhr region. Several times a day, we welcome interested parties, customers and specialist dealers who want to find out more." In the future, visitors will have the opportunity to experience the four different cutting technologies (plasma, laser, oxyfuel, waterjet) as well as some automation solutions live in action. Further investments are also planned at the company headquarters in Bad Wörishofen and are currently in the planning stage.
MicroStep Europa GmbH, headquartered in Bad Wörishofen, Bavaria, has been operating a branch in North Rhine-Westphalia for around 13 years, formerly in Essen and for the last nine years in Dorsten. The majority of the sales and service staff responsible for northern Germany are based there.
"With the groundbreaking for our new location at the established address, we are ringing in a new era in the still young history of the company. The MicroStep CompetenceCenter North gives us the possibilities to continue our growth course and to present ourselves and our technologies in an optimal way." |
Johannes Ried,
Managing Director | MicroStep Europa GmbH

in the CompetenceCenter South or North
- All four cutting technologies (laser, plasma, oxyfuel, waterjet)
- Innovative automation systems
- The latest solutions for bending and deburring
- Industry 4.0 demo factory
- Easy to reach: in the south and north of Germany